


1. What is Cloud Computing?
  •  Pictorial representation of the internet is Cloud.
  •  Cloud Computing is nothing but internet computing.
  •  With this approach, everything can be done in internet (Using Application,     Developing Application and distributing the hardware), no need of any   minimum hardware requirements, and no need to install any software in   local system.
  •  Cloud Computing is an approach to provide the following services -
      1.  SAAS (Software As A Service)
      2.  PAAS (Platform As A Service)
      3.  IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service)

2. What is Salesforce?
Ans: Salesforce is a company which provides a web based tool called Salesforce
Salesforce by following the Cloud Computing approach, providing SAAS and PAAS
SAAS: Providing Sales, Marketing and Call Center applications as a service
PAAS: Providing Force.com platform in which we can develop Apex (Programming language similar to Core Java) and Visualforce (Mark up language similar to HTML) logic.

3. What is Production?
Ans: We should not make coding changes in production since end-users are using the application from production environment.

4. What is production url?
Ans: login.salesforce.com

5. What is sandbox?
Ans: To make any changes for the exiting application we should copy all contents of the production into sandbox and make all changes after that test thoroughly and move those changes into production.
To create the sandbox, in production we can find one link called sandboxes. by clicking on that link we can create the sandbox by choosing type of the sandbox.

6. What is sandbox url?
Ans: test.salesforce.com

7. What are the types of Sandboxes?
            1.    Developer Sandbox
            2.    Developer pro sandbox
            3.    Partial data sandbox
            4.    Full copy sandbox

8. What is Developer sandbox?
            > It copy only configuration changes from the production
            It won’t copy real time data
            > We can test the configuration changes with sample data
            > Sample data limit is 200mb
            > Refresh time interval is one day
            If we refresh all the sandbox contents will be replaced with production                 contents

9. What is developer pro sandbox?
            > Copy configuration changes
            > No real time data
            > Sample data limit is 1GB
            > Refresh time interval one day

10. What is partial data sandbox?
            > Copy configuration changes
            > Copy certain amount of real time data
            > Real time data limit is 5GB
            > For each table it can copy maximum of 10k records
            > Refresh interval 5 days

11. What is a Full copy sandbox?
Ans: It is an exact replica of the production
Copy both configuration and entire real-time data from the production
Refresh time interval of 29 days.

12. What is Track Field History?

  1. While creating the object, we can enable 'Track Field History'.
  2. If, we enable 'Track Field History' user can see the 'Set History Tracking' button under the 'Custom Fields & Relationships' section which is available on the object detail page.
  3. By clicking on the 'Set History Tracking' button, we can enable tracking for the fields whichever we want.
  4. To see the object history, go to the object's record layout and add Object Name History related list to the layout.
  5. Whenever user changes field value from one value to another value, it will show the history of the field in 'Object History' related list.

13. What are the Activities in Salesforce?
Ans: To create the Activities, while creating the object, we should check for 'Allow Activities' checkbox then the user can add open Activities and Activity History related lists on the Object layout.
There are two types of activities -
          1. Task: Task is nothing but work assigned to a particular person, it                          doesn't have a certain time limit.
          2. Event: It has a certain time limit in that time only all persons should                  assemble after the time limit over, the event will get complete.
- Once an event or task status changed to 'Completed' then we can see those records under Activity History Related List.

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